My publication record, over the past twenty years, has followed three fundamental threads.

Throughout my career, many of my writings have focused on defining the body of knowledge of records managers/archivists as it should be delivered first to students in academia and later to professionals in some form of continuing education. These writings, on the one hand, investigate the theoretical, methodological and historical content of the records sciences and disciplines (diplomatics, archival science, history of recordkeeping and preservation), and, on the other hand, discuss the interdisciplinary nature of the intellectual armour of records professionals.

Examples of writings belonging to the first thread (i.e. the concepts, principles and methods of our discipline) are:

  • six articles on diplomatics published in Archivaria between 1989 and 1992, later collected in the book Diplomatics: New Uses for An Old Science (Chicago, Ill.: SAA, ACA and Scarecrow Press, 1998);
  • the Italian book that I felt I owed to my country of origin, I documenti archivistici. La gestione dell'archivio da parte dell'ente produttore [Records: the management of archives by the creator] (Roma: Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, 1997);
  • "Origin and Development of the Concept of Archival Description," Archivaria 35 (1993): 47-54;
  • "The Concept of Appraisal in Archival Science," The American Archivist 57 (Spring 1994): 328-344;
  • "The Records: Where Archival Universality Resides," Archival Issues 19, 2 (1994): 83-94;
  • "Medieval Universities and Archives," Archivaria 38(1994-95): 37-44;
  • "The Concepts of Reliability and Authenticity and Their Implications," Archivaria 39(1995): 5-10;
  • "Archives as a Place," Archives & Manuscripts 24, 2 (1996): 242-255;
  • "Archival Science," Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science, Allen Kent ed., vol. 59 (New York, Basel, Hong Kong: Marcel Dekker, INC., 1996), 1-19;
  • "The Archival Bond," Archives and Museum Informatics 11, 3-4 (1997): 213-218.
  • "Diplomatics," Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Marcia Bates, Mary Niles Maack, Miriam Drake eds. (New York, Basel, Hong Kong: Marcel Dekker, INC., 2009) [updated in in John McDonald and Michael Levine-Clark, Eds., Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences (ELIS) (Abingdon, UK: Taylor and Francis Group, 2015)].
  • "Structural and Formal Analysis: The Contribution of Diplomatics to Archival Appraisal in the Digital Environment," Jenny Hill ed., The Future of Archives and Recordkeeping: A Reader (London, Facet, 2010), pp. 65-88.
  • "Archival Science in the Cloud Environment: Continuity or Transformation?" Atlanti vol. 23 (2013): 45-52. Special issue in honour of Charles Keskemeti.
  • with Giovanni Michetti, "The Archival Method: Rediscovering a Research Tradition," Anne Gilliland and Sue McKemmish eds., Research in the Archival Multiverse (Melbourne: Monash Publishing, 2016)
  • "Archival Bond," "Archives" "Formal Analysis," "Impartiality," "Interrelatedness," "Life-Cycle, Records," "Naturalness," "Objectivity," "Records Function," and "Uniqueness," in Luciana Duranti and Pat Franks, eds. Encyclopedia of Archival Science (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2015).

Examples of writings belonging to the second thread (i.e. the identification of the components of our professional body of knowledge) are:

  • "The Return of Diplomatics as a Forensic Discipline," Beihefte of the Archiv für Diplomatik (Fall 2013): 89-98.
  • with Corinne Rogers, "Educating for Trust," Archival Science, Volume 11, Issue 3 (2011), Page 373-390.
  • with Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, "Digital records forensics: An interdisciplinary program for forensic readiness," Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, vol. 5, no. 1 (2010): 45-63.
  • "Educating the eXtreme records professional: a proposal," in Erka Hokke and Thijs Laeven, eds., The 2010 S@P Yearbook, dedicated to the memory of Hans Scheurkogel, (Harderwijk, NL: 2010), pp. 200-210.
  • "From Digital Diplomatics To Digital Records Forensics," Archivaria 68 (2009): 39-66.
  • "Models of Archival Education: Four, Two, One or a Thousand?" Archives & Social Studies: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 1, 1 (2007): 1-21.
  • "The Society of American Archivists and Graduate Archival Education: A Sneak Preview of Future Directions," The American Archivist 63, 2 (Fall 2000): 237-242.
  • "The Archival Body of Knowledge: Archival Theory, Method, and Practice and Graduate and Continuing Education," The Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 34 (Winter 1993): 8-24.
  • "The Odyssey of Records Managers" Records Management Quarterly 23, 3 and 4 (1989): 3-11 and 3-11.

The third thread is directly linked to my research on electronic records. Examples are:

  • with Allison Stanfield, "Authenticating Electronic Evidence," in Stephen Mason and Daniel Seng eds. Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures 5th edn (London, UK: University of London, 2021), 236–278.
  • with Weimei Pan, "Sitting in limbo or being the flaming Phoenix: the relevance of the archival discipline to the admissibility of digital evidence in China," Archives and Manuscripts (19 October 2020): 1-28
  • "Documentay Heritage in the Cloud," in Ray Edmondson, Anca Prodan, and Lothar Jordan eds., The UNESCO Memory of the World Programme: Key Aspects and Recent Developments (Springer, 2018).
  • "Paradigm. Graduate Archival Education - The Master of Archival Studies at the University of British Columbia", in Patricia C. Franks ed., Records and Information Management 2nd edition (Chicago, Ill.: American Library Association, 2018).
  • "Whose Truth? Records and archives as evidence in the era of post-truth and misinformation," in Caroline Brown ed. Archival Futures. (London: Facets, 2018)
  • "Documentary Truth in a Networked Environment: Entrusting Facts to Archival Theory." In Proscovia Svard ed., Maintaining the Facts Infrastructure in the Era of Post-Truth Politica, National Swedish Heritage Board International Workshop. Stockholm, Sweden, 19 September 2017. (Stockholm, Sweden: Sodertorn University Academic Press, 2018).
  • "The right to be remembered and the duty to memorialize: The role of archives in an increasingly networked society." In Thomas Stockinger and Jakob Wuhrer eds., Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute for Austrian Historical Research, Vienna 9-11 November 2016 (Vienna, Institute for Austrian Historical Research, 2017)
  • with Corinne Rogers, "Ethics in the Cloud: An Oxymoron?" Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies vol. 5 (2017), online at
  • with Darra Hofman and Elissa How, "Trust in the Balance: Data Protection Laws as Tools for Privacy and Security in the Cloud," Algorithms v. 10, 2 (2017): 47.; doi:10.3390/a10020047
  • with Adam Jansen, Giovanni Michetti, Courtney Mumma, Daryll Prescott, Corinne Rogers, Kenneth Thibodeau, "Preservation as a Service for Trust (PaaST)," in Security in the Private Cloud (London, UK: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2016).
  • "Building a Trustworthy System: What will Trustworthy Systems Look Like in the Future," in Philip Bantin ed. Trustworthy Systems for Digital Objects: Theory and Practice (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2016)
  • "Digital Records and Archives in the Commercial Cloud," in Christopher S. Yoo and Jean-François Blanchette eds., Computing in the Cloud (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2015).
  • with Corinne Rogers: "Trust in online records and data," in Lowry, J. & Wamukoya, J. (eds.), Integrity in Government through Records Management: Essays in Honour of Anne Thurston (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014): 203-216.
  • "Trust and Conflicting Rights in the Digital Environment." Luciana Duranti and Elizabeth Shaffer, eds. The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation. Vancouver, 26-28 September 2012. Conference Proceedings (Paris: UNESCO, 2013), pp. 24-30.
  • "Historical Documentary Memory in the Cloud: An Oxymoron or the Inescapable Future?" Revista D'arxius (2013): 19-60.
  • with Corinne Rogers, "Memory Forensics: Integrating Digital Forensics with Archival Science for Trusting Records and Data," eForensics magazine (online Polish Journal for Digital Forensics) (October 2013):
  • with Corinne Rogers, "Trust in digital records: An increasingly cloudy legal area," Computer Law & Security Review 28.5 (October 2012): 522-531.
  • with Elizabeth Shaffer, "eLearning Records: Are There Any To Manage? If So, How?" Bogdan Patrut, Monica Patrut and Camelia Cmeciu eds., Social Media and the New Academic Environment: Pedagogical Challenges. 1-349 (2013), pp. 273-291.

I have also guest edited an issue of the Canadian Journal of Information (Special Double Issue on Records and Archives in the Cloud, June 2015), and an issue of the Records Management Journal (Special Issue on Digital Diplomatics, March 2015); and I have co-edited with Patricia Franks the Encyclopedia of Archival Science (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. Charles Harmon, Executive Editor, Lanham, 2015).