When I began my archival graduate studies, I obtained a fellowship with the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, which allowed me to be a project archivist for three years, from 1974 to 1977. At the end of my term, the national competition for the State Archives was announced and, after one year of crazy study and written and oral exams, I won a full-time permanent state archivist position:

1978 – 1982      Archivista di Stato, Archivio di Stato di Roma

While in this position, I was responsible for the following fonds, for which I wrote inventories:

Eugenio Beauharnais
Congregazione di Sanità
Miscellanea del governo francese (1809 – 1814)
Camerale II. Camerlengato e Tesorierato
Computisteria generale, Divisione VIII (Soldatesche e marina)
Camerale II. Consolati

During my employment as State Archivist, I also taught at the Scuola di Archivistica (1979 – 1983), and was a lecturer in records management for the staff of the Prefecture of Rome (1980) and of the Italian Ministry of Education (1981).

In 1982, I won the national competition for a full-time permanent position at the Sapienza University of Rome:

1982 – 1987      Ricercatore Universitario, Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

During my tenure as a researcher in the professorial ranks of the University of Rome, I went on study leave to Canada, where I visited numerous archival institutions and was fascinated by the country and the people. In my travels, I visited the University of British Columbia (UBC) for a week and lectured in a few classes. I so much enjoyed the environment and the energy of the program that Terry Eastwood was running all on his own, that, when a position was advertised for the archival program, I successfully applied:

1987 – 1992 Assistant Professor, UBC School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS)
1992 – 1997 Associate Professor, UBC SLAIS
1997 – 2023 Professor, UBC SLAIS (renamed School of Information in 2018)
1997 – 1999 Associate Dean Research, UBC Faculty of Arts
2008 – 2013 Faculty Associate Member, UBC College for Interdisciplinary Studies. Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre
2011 – Present Affiliated Full Professor, University of Washington iSchool, Seattle, United States
2023 – Present Professor Emerita, UBC School of Information